Code Of Conduct
As a member of Project V.E.R.B, YOU ARE expected to abide by the following rules.
Be friendly and particularly welcoming to new members.
Be positive and supportive.
Avoid inappropriate peer pressure.
Listen to and follow all instructions.
Take care of equipment.
Refrain from the use of bad language.
Show respect to other members/leaders/speakers.
Keep a safe environment.
Report inappropriate behavior or risky situations.
Pay attention to respect program leaders and guest speakers.
No Phones during class.
Make it a fun place to LEARN.
RULES: The following forms of behavior are considered a violation of our code of conduct and may result in the immediate dismissal from Project VERB:
Use of racist, sexist or offensive language
Fighting or aggressive behavior
Leaving the program early without permission
Engaging in behavior that may endanger, intimidate or harm other participants
Vandalizing or damaging the property of others of that of Project VERB
Any breach of the Rules or the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. Project VERB reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a participant’s participation in all program activities if such disciplinary action is warranted. Before such a decision is made, the participant and parent/guardian will meet with the program director to discuss the issue and determine the best course of action.
All parents and program participants will adhere to the code of conduct
Participants are expected to arrive on time and ready to learn
More than 4 unexcused absences may lead to dismissal from the program